- Details
- Written by Mark Baumgardner
NEOCHMM Committees
The goal of a NEOCHMM “committee” is to sustain the development of the chapter by:
Involving more members in a structured framework
- Meeting specific goals in specified time frames
Committing about 1 or 2 hours per month on average.
Keeping it simple.
Please Consider Joining one of the following committees:
Membership Committee – Responsible for recruitment of new members and maintenance of current members.
Communications Committee – Responsible for communicating information to the membership via the newsletter, website, and other media outlets.
Program Committee – Responsible for the planning of NEOCHMM meetings, including topics and locations
If you would be interested in becoming the chair of a committee (worth 2 CMP’s per year!), please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Membership Committee
Minimum Two other members (non-board)
Helps recruit people to take the Overview Course and ACHMM exam, then recruits them into NEOCHMM, with the goal of attending three successive meetings. Becomes mentor at meetings.
Helps recruit CHMM’s to NEOCHMM based upon notification of the Academy that people in our area or adjoining non-active areas have passed the CHMM exam.
- Contacts CHMM’s on the ACHMM members list in our area that have not attended meetings and personally invites them to join the Chapter and attend meetings.
Contacts past or inactive members to personally invite them to become an active NEOCHMM member and attend meetings.
Contacts NEOCHMM Friends List from website to determine if they would like to become an active NEOCHMM member and attend meetings.
Contacts Corporate or other Organizations to determine if they would like to become a NEOCHMM sustaining member or to offer group membership discounts for 3 or members of their organization.
Contacts University or student groups to determine if they would like to become a CHMM-in-Training or NEOCHMM Student organization. Promote IHMM Student paper competition.
Formally and informally canvasses persons in Items 1.1 through 1.7 to determine how NEOCHMM has met their needs and interests, where NEOCHMM has failed to do so and how NEOCHMM can improve. Mentors new people at meetings.
Updates and Maintains Membership Literature for posting on web site and to distribute at meetings. Works with members to keep their membership information updated and dues promptly paid.
Issues, counts and certifies annual election ballot for Election of Officers. Updates Bylaws as necessary.

Communications Committee
Committee Co-Chairs: Mark Lamb, NEOCHMM Secretary and
Elise Allen-Frankenfield, ACHMM Board Member
Key Committee Person: Mike Mencin—NEOCHMM Webmaster
Minimum: One Other Member (non-board)
Maintains NEOCHMM Chapter website and provides monthly update and content. Shows date of content.
Assists Secretary in preparing and distributing Monthly Newsletter, including photos of participants in the last meeting, within three weeks of last meeting.
Advertises and promotes Chapter activities, including meetings, special events and Overview Course/Exam.
Assists NEOCHMM President in monitoring and informing membership of ACHMM and IHMM Activities not otherwise commutated to CHMM’s by national organizations. Represents NEOCHMM /ACHMM/ IHMM position to local, state and national organizations, such as regulatory agencies.
Selects, procures and maintains:
- Awards for speakers at meeting and special awards to members or friends of NEOCHMM.
- NEOCHMM Stationary. Sends “Thank You” letter to speakers within three weeks after they have spoken to NEOCHMM.
- Stock of other ACHMM / NEOCHMM paraphernalia, NEOCHMM supplies of ACHMM Desk Reference.
Recommend members for national or chapter awards. Assists in preparation of nomination forms for those awards. Reviews any recommendation requests for support to attend ACHMM Leadership Conference or National Meeting.

Program Committee
Chair: Venky Venkatesh, NEOCHMM Vice-President.
Dave Gura, Member-at-Large
Minimum: Two additional (non-board) members.
- Advance Planning and Securing Meeting Rooms at the Brecksville Public Library and other locations for meetings and events.
Selection of Topics and arrangement of Speakers at monthly meetings. This includes obtaining a written biography of the speaker for the Secretary to prepare the announcement of the meeting and a summary of the meeting in the Monthly Newsletter and for the President or his designate to introduce the speaker at the meeting. Meetings should be planned at least 3 months in advance and announced at least two months in advance. A six-month planning cycle is preferred.
Organize the room before the meeting; prepare for the speaker, including audio/visual equipment; provide a sign-in sheet and other routine information on Chapter Activities; provide refreshments and clean up after the meeting. After the meeting, the sign-in sheet should be promptly forwarded to the Secretary and any donations should be counted and forwarded to the Treasurer.
Standing Subcommittee: Overview Course and ACHMM Exam
Determine date and location of Course and Exam
Coordinate Course and Exam with ACHMM and IHMM respectively.
Prepare and distribute Course Promotion and Registration Materials. (Use Communications and Membership Committees to assist.)
Plan Course Content; Line up instructors and Course Materials (Use Communications Committee to Assist.)
Execute Course and Exam
Refer those that pass to Communications Committee for Recognition and Membership Committee for mentoring.
Standing Subcommittee: Networking Social, Social Meeting or Joint meeting with associated organizations.
Determine Date and Location of Networking Social or other meeting.
Coordinate with other Organizations. Develop written memorandum of understanding on division of work, division of expenses and proceeds and firm timelines.
Prepare and distribute meeting promotions and registration materials as necessary. (Use Communications Committee.)
Execute meeting.
Standing Subcommittee: Community Outreach--Earth Day-- Cleveland Earth Day Coalition or other Event.
Determine Date and Location of Community Outreach meeting.
Coordinate with other Organizations. Develop written memorandum of understanding on division of work, division of expenses and proceeds and firm timelines.
Prepare and distribute meeting promotions and registration materials as necessary. (Use Communications Committee.)
Execute meeting.
Arrange for public recognition of members who participated. (Use Communications Committee.)
Ad Hoc Tour Subcommittee
- Identify Tour host, date and location of tour.
Determine Tour program, safety and security arrangements, travel arrangements.
Prepare and distribute meeting promotions and registration materials as necessary. (Use Communications Committee.)
Execute meeting.
Arrange for public recognition of host and other supporters. (Use Communications Committee.)

Additional notes:
President: Mark Baumgardner--De Facto Coordinator of all activities and fill in where others fall down. Sets agenda, tone and style of chapter for the year. Coordinates with National Organizations.
Duties of the NEOCHMM Treasurer
- Within one month of the beginning of the term or succeeding a Treasurer that has resigned, acquire and review the financial statements and records from the outgoing Treasurer. Any discrepancies should be brought to the attention of the Board.
- In the same one-month period, determine the suitability of NEOCHMM Checking Account, make recommendations to the President to continue the Account or transfer the Account to another Financial Institution with more favorable terms to the Chapter.
- In the same one-month period, with the outgoing President and incoming President, transfer the authority for management the account to the current President and Treasurer. Report to the current President, if any outgoing or past officers’ names remain on the account.
- Provide for the depositing of receipts and disbursement of funds to cover expenses of the Chapter. This function shall not be delegated to others without written approval from the Board. Account for the current assets of the Chapter including the Reserve Account, Overview Course materials, handbooks and Awards. Provide a Treasurer’s Report to the Board in accordance with the Bylaws of the Chapter. Post such reports and the Officer’s section of the Chapter Website.
- By March 1 and November 1 of each calendar year, compile a official list of members in good standing, including name, affiliation, business or home address, telephone number, email address in a excel spreadsheet comma delimited format, for the use solely by the Board. This function shall not be delegated to others without written approval from the Board. This membership list may be used only for official Chapter business, including the recruitment and maintenance of membership, official communications and mailings, posting to the Chapter website as appropriate and soliciting and counting of ballots during an election. During the balance of the year, along with the Treasury Report, provide a list of new members or members taken off the membership list.
- Make recommendations of the proper financing of the Chapter. Assist the President and in maintaining the proper Non-Profit Organization status with the Ohio Secretary of State and meeting the documentation requirements with the Academy of Hazardous Materials Management.
- Secure and maintain meeting space at the Brecksville Public Library as directed by the Board.
- Within once month of the close of the year or within one month or resigning the Treasurer’s Position, provide a final financial statement and records to the President and succeeding Treasurer.
- The President and the Treasurer may appoint the use of a Registered Agent to accept official communications on behalf of the chapter. The role of the Agent is to accept such communications and forward such information to the Treasurer or Board in a timely manner and not to take any action on such communications.
Prepared by Mark Baumgardner
Chapter Past President
October 22, 2008 (rev. 3)