As many of you know, NEOCHMM needs to have an election this November to elect a new President, Vice-President and Board of Directors.  Please review the list of positions below and consider running for an elected position.  The President’s two year term is up and is not allowed to run again so the group really needs the support of all of its members.  If you have any questions about this commitment, don’t hesitate to contact any of the current or past Board Members.

Article V. Officers

1.The elective officers of the Chapter shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and immediate past president.

2.The five officers, and three at large board members shall form the Executive Committee, and shall act as the Board of Directors.

3.All officers must be CHMM’s residing in Ohio. At large board members must be voting members of the Chapter.

4.The duties of the officers shall be:


1.President shall preside over Chapter Meetings and interface with other chapters, the Academy of Hazardous Materials Management and other environmental organizations.

2.Vice President shall preside over Chapter meetings in the absence of the President and act as the program director for Chapter meetings. Vice President is expected to run for President at the conclusion of his term

3.Immediate Past-President shall be responsible for recruiting members in the Chapter and assisting the Board in promoting the Chapters objectives.

4.Secretary shall be responsible for documenting Chapter meetings, maintaining and updating Chapter records and documenting Chapter sponsored training.

5.Treasurer shall be responsible for documenting membership in the Chapter, maintaining the Chapter’s financial records and interfacing with government regulators to maintain the Chapter’s non-profit status